Just the ticket for online fundraising in West Berkshire

Just The Ticket For Fundraising

28 September 2021

Launched by the people, for the people of West Berkshire, the lottery is a free online fundraising solution provided by West Berkshire Council. Designed to help local not-for-profits diversify their fundraising streams and enable unlimited year-round fundraising in a safe, fun and effective way. 

Start Raising Money Today

Many local charities and causes are taking advantage of this great opportunity. The National Animal Welfare Trust was one of the first good causes to sign up to raise more funds with the Lottery family in April 2019. Over the next twelve months, they are forecast to raise over £1500 with the Lottery. 


The lottery offers players the ability to continue to support causes in a smaller way and potentially win something at the same time. Causes use the inbuilt materials offered by the platform to shout about their lottery on social media as well as send emails to their community and printing posters to increase awareness.


Given the small entry cost for supporters, local causes notice that they’re also able to engage the wider community when they previously couldn't, which is a huge benefit. The odds of winning a prize are 50:1 and cash prizes, if won, can be gifted back to the cause by any winners through the platform, should they wish to. 


The money raised using the lottery is being used by all kinds of local causes and charities to improve the services offered to the community. Things like education and sports facilities, care for the elderly, support for the vulnerable as well as development to environmental projects - and so much more! 


The lottery has been the only source of income for many good causes during the local lockdowns and it is a tool for the future to ensure reliable monthly payments from their generous supporters. 


Register today and join the 132+ local groups already taking advantage of this fantastic opportunity and start raising more money, for free, today!

Register To Raise More Money

Sports groups, animal welfare, environmental, health and wellbeing, disability, so many types of good causes and charities are eligible to join the lottery family. We look forward to helping more groups in the community and making West Berkshire the best place to live!

Our causes are on track to raise £57,314.40 this year

21.95% Complete

1,837 tickets of our 8,370 ticket goal

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Our causes are on track to raise £57,314.40 this year

21.95% Complete

1,837 tickets of our 8,370 ticket goal